Ayurveda Consultation

Start living an Ayurvedic Lifestyle today!

Receive your unique lifestyle plan.


Ayurvedic treatment is aimed towards regaining our natural balanced state, or ‘prakruti’ but consultations are also for those keen to learn how Ayurveda can help them to maintain total wellbeing through doshic balance.

During the initial one hour consultation, we will discuss every aspect of your life including your ailments, if any, daily diet, lifestyle, relationships, mental health, exercise routines, medical history and professional life to identify the potential cause of the imbalance, and how to bring the body and mind back to your optimal constitution.

Following the consultation, you will be provided with an Ojas Plan™️ - a bespoke diet and lifestyle program to include suitable breathing exercises (Pranayama), Yoga poses (Asana) with Mindfulness and Meditation techniques. In addition to this, Ayurvedic herbal remedies will be given to strengthen the immune system by balancing or increasing the digestive energy, or ‘agni’. This helps to eliminate waste products and toxins, or ‘ama’, from the body more efficiently. Herbs are also given to reduce the symptoms or disease process. Oils and tonics may also be prescribed.

A 30 minute Follow Up Consultation takes place three weeks later where we will discuss any progress, tweak your diet, and adjust your Ojas Plan™️, as necessary. Herbs will continue to be prescribed throughout the course of your treatment. We can discuss at this point whether another follow up consultation is required. The type of herbs and length of the treatment depends on the disorder, and how long the symptoms have existed.

Unlike Western medicine, where ‘one size fits all’, Ayurveda finds and deals with the root cause of the disorder, so that symptoms naturally ease. Be prepared for a journey of self-exploration!