
  • What is Fibromyalgia?

    In older medical publications, fibromyalgia is referred to as muscular rheumatism and is also known as the Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS).

    It is a variety of connective tissue lesions that are persistent and cause musculoskeletal pain affecting bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and even nerves. Muscle aches, spasms, and numerous aches are present. The most typical locations for pain are the neck, shoulder girdles, back, and gluteal region.

    Studies show that around 1 in 20 people have fibromyalgia but this number is increasing due to modern lifestyles and incorrect diet. Anyone can develop FMS but it typically develops between the ages of of 25 and 55.

  • Main Symptoms

    Chronic pain in the muscles, especially in the soft tissue that surrounds the joints, which is usually difficult to manage. This condition often worsens with age. There are 18 recognised pain tender or trigger points. Until recently, for a diagnosis of fibromyalgia to be made, at least 11 of these 18 trigger points had to be painful when pressed by a doctor.

  • Other Symptoms

    Inflammation of the connective tissue



    Occipital pain

    Cervical spine pain

    Unilateral pain (on one side of the body)

    Hypermobility syndrome

    Shoulder pain

    Supraspinatus pain (tendonitis or pain in the supraspinatus muscle)

    Gout-like attack


    Bicipital tendonitis (frozen shoulder)

    Muscle stiffness

    Difficulty getting to or staying asleep resulting in fatigue

    Problems with mental process, known as ‘fibro-fog’, making it difficult to focus or remember things


    Irritable bowel syndrome

    General feeling of low mood or depression due to the persistent pain

The fibromyalgia tender points are symmetrical; they occur on both sides of the body and their locations are:

  • Front lower sides of your neck

  • Upper chest

  • Inner elbows

  • Just above inner knees

  • Back of your head

  • Top of the shoulders

  • Upper back (at shoulder blades)

  • Upper buttock

  • Hips

    The updated criteria for diagnosing fibromyalgia excludes the obligatory presence of tender point positivity in presence of other symptoms favourable to diagnosis due to differences and non-uniformity in methods palpating or evaluating the tender points.

Ayurvedic Perspective on Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia, according to Ayurveda, is a vata energy imbalance. Vata is the physiological concept that underlies the stability and activation of the neurological system. Pitta (metabolism) and Kapha (immunity), which are both thrown out of balance by a vata imbalance, are also affected.

The main pathogenic elements in fibromyalgia are toxins (ama) and an excessive amount of vata. Toxins build up as a result of poor eating choices and/or impaired digestion. Toxins can result in soreness, pain, and hypersensitivity when they build up in the tissues and obstruct the channels.

Stress has the potential to cause fibromyalgia. Physical conditions including infections and allergies, stress at work or in the family, stress brought on by life-altering events, a history of maltreatment, and stress are all fibromyalgia triggers.

Etiological Factors (Factors that Contribute towards the development of Fibromyalgia)

  • Prolonged exposure to cold, damp weather, which aggravates the vata dosha

  • Non-articular rheumatic complaints

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Poor posture

  • Proneness to tendon sprain or strain

  • Flabby muscles

  • Obesity

3 Month Ayurvedic Plan for the Treatment/Management of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is exacerbated and caused in part by an improper diet. Certain foods boost vata's activity, exacerbating fibromyalgia symptoms like heightened pain sensitivity.

If you have fibromyalgia symptoms, as an Ayurveda Practitioner I can help you understand which foods to stay away from. I will also suggest a diet made up of simple-to-digest meals that can absorb into the tissues and strengthen those tissues.

An initial online consultation of 60 minutes allows for a discussion about current lifestyle, health history, relationships and whatever you are able to share. Lifestyle and dietary recommendations are provided to balance the vata energy and calm pitta. Lifestyle recommendations may include advice about a daily routine, the best kind of exercise/gentle activity for you, yoga poses, breathing techniques, and other effective ways to deal with tension to allow your muscles to relax and feel less pain.

In the 30 minute follow-up consultations, we check-in to evaluate how the treatment is working so far and tweak it if necessary.

Digestive herbs are prescribed, when appropriate, to strengthen the digestive fire so that toxins are eliminated and the muscle tissue is less sensitive to imbalances.

A total of 3 consultations (initial plus 2 follow-ups) is recommended to really benefit from the Ayurvedic treatment, with consultations 4 weeks apart.

Price £345, includes

  • 3 consultations,

  • bespoke lifestyle and diet plan,

  • personalised video demonstrating recommended yoga poses and breathing techniques,

  • digestive herbs

At the end of the 3 months, with your commitment, you can expect symptoms to have reduced significantly so that you can start feeling happier again. If you or someone you know is suffering from fibromyalgia symptoms, get in touch to find out how the ancient, tried and tested science of healing, Ayurveda.